MFN Government

To ensure transparency and accountability to the Metlakatla membership, this section of the website provides members information on Metlakatla’s Governing Council, our bylaws,community and strategic plans, financial reporting, and more. 

  • The Metlakatla Governing Council is the elected government of the Metlakatla membership. The Governing Council is comprised of an elected chief and six councilors, each whom serve four year terms. In February 2019, the Metlakatla members ratified a custom Election Code that removed election provisions from under the jurisdiction of the Indian Act. The council functions as the governing body of the Band.


    Following the August 28, 2019 election, the Metlakatla Governing Council is:

    Chief Councillor Harold Leighton

    Councillors Alrita Leask, Alvin Leask, Robert Nelson, James Nelson, and Miranda Leighton

  • Elections

    Metlakatla has developed a Custom Election Code - which was voted into effect by the Metlakatla membership in 2006. This Custom Election Code extended voting rights to Metlakatla members living off-reserve, and allows members to vote in polling stations in Prince Rupert and Metlakatla, and to request mail-in ballots to vote for Chief and Council.

    Click this link to view the Nomination Package

  • Constitution

    A constitution is the law stating how Metlakatla will be governed, and must be approved by the Metlakatla membership before coming into effect. 

    In past years, Metlakatla Treaty staff met with the community for input on the development of a draft Constitution for Metlakatla. Staff will be coming back to the community with the latest draft of the Constitution for further input, before the constitution is put to a final vote by the membership. 

  • Community Plans

    In 2010, Metlakatla members participated in the development of a Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP). The Comprehensive Community Planning process asked Metlakatla members to help guide development and change in our reserve community. 

    This planning process will continue moving forward, and a new CCP will be developed in the near future to ensure that Metlakatla members continue to have input in the future of our community.

  • By Laws

    There are several bylaws in effect in Metlakatla village that help to ensure order and safety in our community.  For more information on any of these bylaws, see the documents listed below.