We need YOUR input on the Proposed Ksi Lisims LNG Project.
MSS is asking Metlakatla members to share their views about the proposed project and any concerns or issues that may they have about it. MSS will use this information to focus the Rights Impact Assessment on what matters most to Metlakatla members. Backgrounder for the project can be found here.
Metlakatla First Nation has an immediate opeing for a full-time Fisheries Administrative Technician in Prince Rupert, British Columbia. Click here for more information.
Metlakatla Stewardship Society is looking for participants for our upcoming Clam Surveys from August 10th to the 14th.
Clam surveys include digging for and identifying clam species, and collecting and processing clams to gather data about clam populations at Metlakatla beaches.
Participants will receive an honorarium for their participation. If you are interested in participating please contact Kristal Johnston at 250-631-7372 or kjohnston@triton-env.com.
Attention all members please refer to link regarding this years conditions attached to XFSC 22 2022 communal licence.
Metlakatla Members, Metlakatla Aquatic Resources (MAR) has the following communal commercial fishing licences available. We are requesting applications on these 2022 Communal ATP Licenses:
1. FR 15 North Coast Crab area “B”, maximum length 12.19 meters (39.9 feet), Trap limit TBD.
-Application due: March 31st, 2022
2. FW8 Prawn, maximum vessel length 12.45 meters (40.85 feet), 300 traps, Coastwide
-Application due: March 31st, 2022
After PSP samples have come back clear on our target samples, Dundas Point is open for both butter clams and cockle harvesting! All other beaches are closed at this point. The notice will also be posted at both docks and in our offices for members. Here is the link to the official notice from DFO:
Fisheries and Oceans Canada | Fishery Notices (dfo-mpo.gc.ca)
Metlakatla Aquatic Resources is now accepting applications for the 2021-2022 Communal ATP license program. Click here to download the application and please note the application deadlines.
Hello members, we would like to let you know that the 2020 Census will be taking place November 9-December 7, 2020.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we will not be able to go door to door, unless under special circumstances. Members will be able to do the census over the phone, the internet, or by filling out a paper copy which will be left in mailboxes to complete. Our assistants will be readily available to help each of you to complete forms if you have any difficulties.